Saturday, August 10, 2013

D-Diet Unchained!

“D-Diet Unchained”
Get Fit to Live Column
By Audrey Muhammad


Have you ever learned something from a book or tape and couldn’t wait to put it into practice?  How will you know if works unless you put it into practice?  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad states in Book II of How to Eat to Live, “I am often experimenting as I teach you, so that I will know what happens if you go contrary to the teachings of “How to Eat to Live (p.28 Final Call vol. 27 ).   For years, many of us, especially Black people living in America, have been “chained” to a diet and way of life that leads us to a slow and sometimes fast path to death.  However, as we see this “way of life” and the detrimental world falling, there is a “last ditch” effort now being made to extend the lives of those in the “old world order.”  If you have read the How to Eat to Live Books or even the How to Eat to Live column in the Final Call, you have been well equipped with a wealth of knowledge to extend your life.

Recently,  I was reading a book on enhancing your beauty that was recommended by Dr. Oz and had a “deja vu” moment thinking, “Where have I heard this before?”  The book entitled The Beauty Detox Solution stated, “It is commonly believed we should eat small meals often to keep our metabolism up and stabilize blood sugar.  The truth, however, is that eating often is a sure way to age faster….Every time we eat, digestion has to be kicked back up, and so does the consumption of our body’s precious enzymes.  Constantly grazing[snacking] throughout the day is a sure way to burn our body’s enzymes more quickly…and speed up the aging process”(Snyder 60).  All this does is bear witness to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in How to Eat to Live about the importance of eating “one meal a day” and retaining our beauty appearance.  His information, which he received from Allah God in Person, is a very important point to remember. In How to Eat To Live Book I, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad states, “The foolish idea of eating three or four times a day-and all between meals—is like the poisonous swine who never has any regular eating habit.  Even a dog will not eat when he is full most of the time”(30).

As I am flipping through the book, I run across another sections that said, “Cut out the soda!...Soda consumed regularly will demineralize our teeth and rob us of our beauty by eating up the precious minerals that create it.(Snyder 26).  In How to Eat To Live, Book I which was published many years earlier states, “You should not even drink a lot of soda pop.  Some intelligent people will not drink one bottle of soda pop”(111).

Once you know some body of knowledge, then what?  We are supposed to put our mathematical theology to work…act on it.  When we don’t properly use or apply our knowledge, we suffer.  We are given “authority” over our bodies and have been given a wonderful “body of knowledge” to help us properly care for our bodies.  “Eating to live,” thinking “good thoughts” and exercising are key components in “getting fit to live.”

Why is physical activity so important?  “Every part of your body depends on regular physical activity.  When a specific part of the body is put into action, the body responds by sending more blood, nutrients, and energy to that area.  This response leads to an overall improvement in the health and vitality of the particular part involved.  If exercise is neglected, the body will become weak and all its physical powers will be diminished, but with regular exercise the entire system will be strengthened and invigorated. (Fit for Life II: Living Health, Diamond  143).

Remember, belief accounts for nothing unless carried into practice.  Every belief must be followed by an action.  What do our actions indicate about our belief?  Get “unchained” and let go of the “death diet.”

May Allah(God) bless us all with peace, love, health, wealth and happiness.

(Audrey Muhammad is an aerobics instructor and the author of the book, Get Fit to Live:  Be your best you!, available at  To order the Book &get a FREE copy of the Get Fit CD, send a $12 money order(plus $3 shipping) to Get Fit To Live, P.O. Box 61402, Raleigh, NC, 27661.  Please consult a physician before beginning any new exercise or dietary program.  Email to inquire about a Get Fit to Live workshop in your city).

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prepare to Survive: It's "Time" to Get a "Go Bag"

In light of the recent tornados and disasters in Texas and Kansas, we may want to move at a “faster pace” and prepare if a disaster comes our way.

In Surah 3:48 The Holy Qu-ran states .. “and I inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses. Surely there is a sign in this for you, if you are believers. This is 1000% percent right and exact! Besides the staples of navy beans and water, the items that we have in our “Shelter In-Place” kits should not be confused with our “72 hour-bags also known as “Go-Bags”. We must be prepared for the reality that we will be instructed to evacuate at a moments notice. Remember, more often than ever people are becoming displaced after suffering the effects of severe weather conditions and other catastrophes.  This reality has led to a growing realization of the need of preparedness and is becoming more common and has even tricked into main stream media. The highly popular television show, “Doomsday Preppers” is such an example.

As a bare minimum, our bags should include food, along with some method to warm or cook it, clothing, and shelter. Our food storage such include fresh, frozen, home canned, store canned, dehydrated and freeze dried. The last two forms of food storage are actually the best options for our go bags as they are extremely light weight, take up very little space as well as maintain a long shelf life. Unfortunately our home canned foods are contained in glass and not the best option to travel with, but perfect for of shelter in place kits. Our clothing should be winter weather appropriate. If evacuated during the summer pants and shirt sleeves can be rolled up a bit or cut and used for bandages or tie-ups. Lastly, our shelter should include a blanket and tarp as a bare minimum.

Since the time of the earthquake in Haiti, Allah(God) has placed it on my heart that I assist the Believers and our community in regards to disaster preparedness. This has been intensified by several events including, the words of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan regarding the recent Hurricane and Nor'ester, along with other personal factors. As mentioned above, there is an immediate need to secure our go bags, however, due to the fall of the dollar, most of us are not in the financial position to spend hundreds of dollars to build our go bags all at once. A.L.E. Disaster Supplies has developed a 13 week $10 and/or $20 payment plan to purchase supplies.

The $10 a week plan includes:

Vigilance Basic Go Bag

Cooking Method

Water Purification Method

Fleece Sleeping Bag

Mess Kit


1 Pouch of Dehydrated Vegetables

1 Pouch of Dehydrated Fruits

The $20 a week plan includes:

Expedition Basic Go Bag

Cooking Method (more extensive than $10 cycle)

Water Purification Method (more extensive than $10 cycle)

2 Fleece Sleeping Bags

2 Mess Kit

2 Head Lamps

2 Pouch of Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Vegetables

2 Pouch of Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Vegetables Fruits

1 Pouch Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Protein

For more information or to receive a monthly newsletter on Disaster Preparation and Survival, please feel free to contact A.L.E. Disaster Supplies at

Landra Muhammad


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Therapies for Success and Healing

Therapies for Success and Healing
By Audrey Muhammad

     Have you ever seen people who have had experienced a “horrible” childhood, but were removed from an environment, gained an education and became very successful?  What helped to lead them to “get fit” to be successful?  In one case, a young man may have been taken out of a bad home environment where he was abused and now was given an opportunity to get an education and better himself.  He or she studies and becomes successful in spite of the pain of their past.  How did he do it?  Did he get help?  In a sense, he went through “therapy,” but not in the traditional sense.  Three things are needed for a thing to grow:  the right conditions, the right environment and the right food.  In order to accept the truth, our heart and mind must be in an “accepting” condition, we must be placed in a better/safe environment and we must me fed the proper food, mentally and spiritually.  The teachings is providing all three ways to improve your life.
One day I had a discussion with a believer about how the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah is almost like a "therapy" or “treatment” for the condition of Black people in America that prepares us for success.   A “treatment” is “a process or manner of behaving toward or dealing with a person or thing(Oxford Dictionary.)   According to the book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, valid forms of therapy or treatment, along WITH “dianetics” include: Environmental change, education, and physical treatment(Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health 183).   For instance, “Physical treatment resulting in improved physical condition will bring about hope or change a man’s reactions by shifting him on his time track.  It may key-out engrams (Dianetics 184).  These treatments can actually help “key-out” or “DEACTIVATE” engrams which are “recordings of painful events.”
     What is considered “environmental change?”    For example,  a child being taken out of an abusive home and placed in a safe one and then beings to flourish.   Or, think of how we were taken out of a "worldly environment" and placed in a "mosque" or more secure environment.   Another example would be to take a teen out of a violent neighborhood can help improve his mental well-being and “tone scale”  or mood.   Being in a peaceful and prayer environment can help improve your health also.  We should strive to turn our homes a beautiful and peaceful “environment.”   Remove harmful cleansers with chemicals and keep your home clean and beautify it with plants, pictures and fresh air.  These actions will help you get your home life “fit for success.”
     Education or gaining of knowledge is also considered a type of “treatment.”   When we gained knowledge about God and ourselves, we are EMPOWERED to change our lives and INFLUENCE or motivate others.  One of the greatest feelings a person can have is a feeling of accomplishment.  Seek knowledge…it empowers you.   A sister shared with me recently that she hated sewing; she said, “I must have received an engram from sewing.”  However, one day she was “gently” taught and encouraged to knit and began to feel a healing from her “dislike” of sewing and now was more open to it.  The knowledge and the “new skill” of knitting was apparently helping with her to reduce some of the “charge” from previous negative feelings. 
     Good knowledge and good conversation is always helpful.   Farrakhan mentioned in Closing the Gap that the “highest form of communication is to speak on, ask questions about, argue over what God has revealed to His servant (321).    Sometimes I am motivated to pick up a book when something  interesting and inspirational is quoted  from a book or someone shares their experience; I love getting insightful and spiritual knowledge.  The “truth” energizes you.   The Modern Science of Mental Health Book even states that you can be so "educated into a strong faith that it helps you to "rise above your engrams" ( 184). Hmm, hasn't Islam helped to improve the condition of many brothers and sisters?     No matter the religion, the knowledge of the “truth” and FAITH in God helps enhance a person.  An excellent book to read to gain “knowledge of yourself,” how to pray and how to develop a business blueprint is Message to the Blackman.
      The last type of “treatment” mentioned is “physical treatment” or improvement. For example, we are taught how to “eat to live” and fast (abstaining from food or drink).  Eating the proper foods can not only improve your health, it also can improve your mood.  Exercising is also a part of physical treatment.  It rejuvenates and strengthens our mind and body.    We have been given a wealth of knowledge in the teachings.  Master Fard Muhammad knew what he was doing when he came for us and gave The Honorable Elijah Muhammad the teachings; we just have to work on implementing it MORE into our lives and influence others.   As we expressed our tormented past with the Slave-master and his children, it was almost like having a mass “auditing” session as we shared our experiences and open us to receive the truth and further develop ourselves.  (Note:  to “audit” means to listen and also “to compute” according to Dianetic terms).         
     Please Check out the book, How to Eat to Live by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  Currently, I am working on “elevating” my eating level of how to eat to live to the “next” level. 
In between my auditing sessions, I am reminded of the above therapies.  If I am feeling a particular way or have experienced a situation that has depleted some of my “life force,” I make an effort to pray, study and eat right as I am awaiting my auditing session.  My point is that we have been given a “life-giving” teachings that CONTINUES to feed us with knowledge and wisdom to help us grow.   We have been given a wonderful foundation in terms of “treatment” and how to create a righteous environment, improve our bodies with physical treatment or exercise and improve our mind with proper mental and spiritual food.   Remember, the Restrictive Law of Islam is our Success at any time.  Obedience to it will help prevent the need for “therapy” in the future.  However, although we have control over what WE do, we don’t have control over what people “do” to US.   Distance yourself from people that do not sincerely care for you.   Wish them "peace" and "best wishes" and make room for what is meant to be a blessing in your life.   Remove yourself from situations that are surrounded with "energy" that is not "good” for you.    It is something that I am learning to do.  If I see the same “energy” re-surfacing, I say, “I didn’t sign up for this…I am taking my beautiful spirit elsewhere”(smile).  We have to channel our energy toward things that will “enhance” us, not “enable” us. 
      Lastly, use dianetics whenever you can.  Dianetics helps us “clear” ourselves of these painful events and bring us closer to peace.   As my Sister Nisa Islam Muhammad would say, “Islam(Peace) is not the problem, Islam(peace) is the solution.”  It is helping us “get fit for success!”

May Allah (God) bless us all with peace, love, health, wealth and happiness.

(Audrey Muhammad is a certified fitness instructor and the author of the terrific book, Get Fit to Live:  Be your best you! available at and the Respect for Life Bookstore.   Her audio book, Get Fit to Live is also available.  To order the Book and get a FREE copy of the audiobook CD, send a $12 money order(plus $3 shipping) to Get Fit To Live, P.O. Box 61402, Raleigh, NC , 27661.  Please consult a physician before beginning any new workout or dietary program).