Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prepare to Survive: It's "Time" to Get a "Go Bag"

In light of the recent tornados and disasters in Texas and Kansas, we may want to move at a “faster pace” and prepare if a disaster comes our way.

In Surah 3:48 The Holy Qu-ran states .. “and I inform you of what you should eat and what you should store in your houses. Surely there is a sign in this for you, if you are believers. This is 1000% percent right and exact! Besides the staples of navy beans and water, the items that we have in our “Shelter In-Place” kits should not be confused with our “72 hour-bags also known as “Go-Bags”. We must be prepared for the reality that we will be instructed to evacuate at a moments notice. Remember, more often than ever people are becoming displaced after suffering the effects of severe weather conditions and other catastrophes.  This reality has led to a growing realization of the need of preparedness and is becoming more common and has even tricked into main stream media. The highly popular television show, “Doomsday Preppers” is such an example.

As a bare minimum, our bags should include food, along with some method to warm or cook it, clothing, and shelter. Our food storage such include fresh, frozen, home canned, store canned, dehydrated and freeze dried. The last two forms of food storage are actually the best options for our go bags as they are extremely light weight, take up very little space as well as maintain a long shelf life. Unfortunately our home canned foods are contained in glass and not the best option to travel with, but perfect for of shelter in place kits. Our clothing should be winter weather appropriate. If evacuated during the summer pants and shirt sleeves can be rolled up a bit or cut and used for bandages or tie-ups. Lastly, our shelter should include a blanket and tarp as a bare minimum.

Since the time of the earthquake in Haiti, Allah(God) has placed it on my heart that I assist the Believers and our community in regards to disaster preparedness. This has been intensified by several events including, the words of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan regarding the recent Hurricane and Nor'ester, along with other personal factors. As mentioned above, there is an immediate need to secure our go bags, however, due to the fall of the dollar, most of us are not in the financial position to spend hundreds of dollars to build our go bags all at once. A.L.E. Disaster Supplies has developed a 13 week $10 and/or $20 payment plan to purchase supplies.

The $10 a week plan includes:

Vigilance Basic Go Bag

Cooking Method

Water Purification Method

Fleece Sleeping Bag

Mess Kit


1 Pouch of Dehydrated Vegetables

1 Pouch of Dehydrated Fruits

The $20 a week plan includes:

Expedition Basic Go Bag

Cooking Method (more extensive than $10 cycle)

Water Purification Method (more extensive than $10 cycle)

2 Fleece Sleeping Bags

2 Mess Kit

2 Head Lamps

2 Pouch of Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Vegetables

2 Pouch of Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Vegetables Fruits

1 Pouch Dehydrated or Freeze Dried Protein

For more information or to receive a monthly newsletter on Disaster Preparation and Survival, please feel free to contact A.L.E. Disaster Supplies at

Landra Muhammad